There are many creative Removable Wall Stickers that are especially designed for children on the market today. You can find "Under the Sea" themes, scenes from favorite cartoons and movies, as well as other appealing stickers that reflect items that interest children, such as wildlife, boats, flowers, dinosaurs, space related themes, bugs, and more! I will provide several steps that will help you learn how to apply Vinyl Wall Decals in your child's bathroom in a creative fashion.

The first step to implementing the Removable Wall Stickers that you have purchased for your child's restroom is to give some attention to the toilet. Yes, wall stickers are designed to be placed on the wall, but they can easily be used on other surfaces as well. The toilet is often the one piece in a kid's bathroom that is left unadorned. It is easy to overlook this structure, but if you work it in when designing the room, you will find that it adds a lot of appeal to the room.
Vinyl Wall Decals may be placed in the area behind the seat, as well as on seat covers. If using a theme, such as "Under the Sea", you can place some coral reefs and shell decals at the bottom behind the seat area with a few small fish swimming. This is just one example of many that can be used on toilets. By taking the time to use your creativity ingenuity on the toilet, you may add a whole new sense of wonder to an otherwise boring room!

The next step to placing Vinyl Wall Stickers in a kid's bathroom is to turn your focus in on the mirror in the room. If it is a medium to large mirror, you can actually place the Removable Wall Stickers along the sides, in the corners, and more! If you want to really enhance the appearance of the stickers that you place on the bathroom mirror, take the time to outline them in decorative glitter paint! If you have a large decal, you can actually place it in the center of the mirror, trace it, remove it and outline the tracing in the paint of your choice. There are several ways to be truly creative when it comes to vinyl wall decals and the bathroom mirror!
Now it is time to turn your attention to the bath and/or shower area in the kid's bathroom. You can get a see through or a solid color shower curtain and take the Removable Wall Stickers and place them in various locations on the shower curtain. Once this is completed, hang the shower curtain and focus on the walls that surround the bath and/or shower area. This is a fantastic area when it comes to placing decorative Vinyl Wall Decals!
As you can see from the information contained in this how to home improvement guide, there are many creative measures that can be taken when it comes to applying vinyl wall decals and Removable wall stickers in a child's bathroom. All it takes is a little money, some shopping, a little creativity and within just a couple of short hours, you can totally recreate the bathroom that your child uses to reflect their unique personality!